Relaxboard Brisket Board

Cow friendly system to border the cubicle, replaces the need for concrete or wood barriers or other brisket boards. The RelaxBoard does have effective cow friendly bended moulds, that save space but does have a comfortable form, which allows cows to lay down and stand up comfortably without any problems or risks of injuries. The RelaxBoard can be used as a laying area border, to prevent that cows are going to far into the cubicle and cows will remain cleaner and lay down and stand up comfortably. No risk of injuries or getting stuck in the free stall. The RelaxBoard can be used in combination with all types of mattresses or rubber mats, but also in combination with sawdust, straw or sand beddings.

Closed & Strong
The RelaXBoard is always closed on the ends roughly every 2 meters (83 inch). The different elements overlap. In this way you will get a continuous system with strong supports installed in every possible length .

The RelaxBoard is made of HDPE (high density poly ethylene). This material is very strong and resistant against high and low temperatures and is virtually indestructible. Relaxboard is made by thermoforming, other products are produced by rotomolding, which is more sensitive to stress and fracture.

Technical specifications

Width: 230mm
Lenght: 2100mm
Hight: 150mm
Material: HDPE

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