The German Agricultural Society DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft)
The DLG provides clear information on tested equipment and machinery. The measurements are based on international standards and norms as well as tests developed in-house, building on practical requirements. Our cow mattresses and rubber mats have proven themselves during these tests and therefore carry quality logos.
Polymer Science Park
To ensure that the rubber we produce is as strong as we promise, each production batch is tested on wear and strength. The Polymere Science Park has the equipment to determine the quality accurately. In addition, Agriprom works closely with Polymere Science Park on the use of high quality plastics in agriculture.
GMP Plus International is an independent organization managing the GMP Plus Feed Certification scheme. The scheme is for the certification of feed companies active in the feed chain around the world. The FMP Plus FSA module has been developed to guarantee feed safety and to reassure consumers about the responsible way animal feed products are processed, produced, traded, stored and transported. Requirements for feed safety assurance are designed to meet the GMP+ standards. Agriprom facilities meet these safety requirements.
HACCP stands for “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points”. HACCP is a risk inventory for the systematic monitoring and control of feed safety hazards in the production process, which is based on 7 core principles. The aim is to increase the safety of the product by detecting the risks and making it manageable. HACCP is a legally required way of working arising from the animal feed hygiene regulation 183/2005. Ecopor (Agriprom Consumables) is registered under number 213880.